25. Internationale EUROTAS Konferenz, 22.-26. Oktober 2025, Oaxaca, Mexico
Oaxaca, the cultural heart of Mexico, will host the 25th edition of the EUROTAS International Congress.
From October 22 to 26, 2025, we will gather at a significant time of the year to celebrate the regeneration of life: a precious encounter between sowing and harvesting, sunsets and sunrises, that connect contemporary civilizations with the human psyche.
The theme of the congress:
"Xolotl: Innovations and Traditions in the Arts and Sciences of Being"
This theme seeks to inspire meaningful encounters, creative dialogues, and transformative experiences among individuals and collectives interested in generating new theoretical and practical inspirations for the evolution of human consciousness.
Through this intercultural and multidisciplinary gathering, we aim to mobilize dialogue between millenary arts and sciences and contemporary psychological theories. In an era where individuality and differences influence how humans act, think, and feel, we seek to reawaken the power of common-unity and creation—the very essence that has allowed humanity to survive and thrive as a species.
This congress will inspire participants to co-create art, symbols, and mythologies of universal brotherhood.
In the 25th edition of this international congress on transpersonal psychology, master craftswomen and artists from native communities will hold a key presence, reuniting the psyche with its creative power of images, symbols, and universal myths. These ancient tools can provide new psychological foundations to reimagine the cultures we long for in a world facing decline.
Xolotl—the spirit of our gathering—represents the vital spark that guides what is ending into a deep sleep, only to regenerate and be reborn at dawn. In the language of ancient Mexico, Xolotl is the evening star (Venus) that marks the meeting of different worlds: the personal universe and the cosmic universe.
9 Thematic Axes:
1. Symbols and mythologies of transformation in transpersonal psychology.
2. Millenary traditions in contemporary therapeutic work.
3. The resurgence of the feminine and community consciousness.
4. Cycles of life, death, and rebirth: cross-cultural perspectives.
5. Innovations in the practices and study of the human being.
6. Native cultures, shamanism, master plants, and healing.
7. Encounters between the psychological and cosmic world: expanded states of consciousness.
8. Psycho-spirituality, eco-psychology, and biocultural processes.
9. Sciences of the incarnated being: somatic arts and embodiment.