Trainings with the Institute for Consciousness Exploration

The teachers of the Institute are happy to invite you to join the trainings described below.

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Ausbildungen und Fortbildungen in transpersonaler Psychotherapie

Trainings in Transpersonal Psychotherapy

ausbildung transpersonale therapieRainer 2020 480 320

The International Institute for Consciousness Exploration Freiburg (Germany) is an association of 12 therapists and teachers from different European countries. They all have long years of professional experience; some of them also are directors of their own training institutes.
We offer trainings, supervision, seminars and workshops in Transpersonal Psychotherapy.
Our work focusses on authentic being and relatedness, learning to live from your individual essence and working with holotropic states of consciousness.

We shall be glad if you find interest in our program.
Dr. Ingo Benjamin Jahrsetz, Rainer Pervöltz and team


Ingo Benjamin Jahrsetz

Systemic, transpersonal supervision
Work with systemic constellations, psychodrama etc. in a small group of about 4 to 6 participants
About 3 supervision days per year

Type 1:
Supervision for psychotherapists and people with long experience in psychotherapy
Type 2:
Case-related supervision in connection with the Grof® Legacy Training (Grof® Breathwork)

Costs: 150 EUR / day

Information on vacancies and dates on request

Rainer Pervöltz

Transpersonal Gestalt and body-oriented supervision

Small groups of 3 to 4 therapists and supervision for individuals

Information on vacancies and dates on request


Grof® Legacy Training - Training in Grof® Breathwork, Spiritual Guidance and Transpersonal Psychotherapy

with Dr Ingo Benjamin Jahrsetz, Viktoria Luchetti, Myoungkwon Kim, Ed.D. (Molla)
on the island Jeju (South Korea), Southern Germany and on the Greek island Lesbos
2023 - 2025

Transpersonal Psychotherapy, Transpersonal Breathwork, and Spiritual Guidance - Pilot Project II in China

with teachers of the Institute
2023 - 2026